This post contains some knowledges of Computer Graphics. Updating…
Common Questions 常见问题
Line Segment Intersection 线段交点
Line Segment $AB$ has $A(x_a, y_a)$ and $B(x_b, y_b)$.
Line Segment $CD$ has $C(x_c, y_c)$ and $C(x_c, y_c)$.
Line Equations:

Combine Equations:

And if the Determinant is 0:

It means line segment overlap or parallel.
If not 0:

Only when $0\le \lambda \le 1, 0\le \mu \le 1$, two line segments have real intersection, otherwise, the intersection is on their extension.
Point in Triangle 判断点在三角形中
Method 1
The idea is checking the relative position of point to line plane. If all of them have positive, then it is in the triangle.
1 | bool IsPointInTri(Point p, Point v1, Point v2, Point v3) |
Method 2
Using Barycentric Coordinate System:
$x=a\times x_1 + b \times x_2 + c \times x_3$
$y = a \times y_1 + b \times y_2 + c \times y_3$
$a + b + c = 1$
a = \frac{((y_2 - y_3)\times(x - x_3) + (x_3 - x_2)\times(y - y_3))}{((y_2 - y_3)\times(x_1 - x_3) + (x_3 - x_2)\times(y_1 - y_3))}
b = \frac{((y_3 - y_1)\times(x - x_3) + (x_1 - x_3)\times(y - y_3))}{((y_2 - y_3)\times(x_1 - x_3) + (x_3 - x_2)\times(y_1 - y_3))}
c = 1 - a - b
p lies in T if and only if $0 \le a \le 1$ and $0 \le b \le 1$ and $0 \le c \le 1$.
Basic Knowledge 基础概念
Barycentric Coordinate 重心坐标
Let $x_1, …, x_n$ be the vertices of a simplex in an affine space $A$. If, for some point $p$ in $A$,
(\lambda_1 + \cdots + \lambda_n)p = \lambda_1 x_1 + \cdots +\lambda_n x_n
and at least one of $\lambda_1,…,\lambda_n$ does not vanish then we say the coefficients $\lambda_1,…,\lambda_n$ are barycentric coordinates of $p$ with respect to $x_1, …, x_n$.
Barycentric Coordinate is not unique:
$b\lambda_1,…,b\lambda_n$ where $b \ne 0$.
Detect Collision 测试碰撞
Minkowski difference and Minkowski sum.
Line Sweep Technique 直线扫描转化算法
DDA Algorithm (数值微分法 Digital Differential Analyzer)
Bresenham Algorithm
Circle Sweep Technique 圆的扫描转换算法
Bresenham Algorithm
####Flood Filling & Scan Line Seed Filling