童年 早就过了
人间 Je vais.
我的大学 貌似也与原来的意思略不相同 more >>
Setting: The background screen is a corridor of a Hotel. Two environmental wall are used as the wall of corridor and the doors of each room. Monsieur Dupont, the manager of Hotel Prague is talking with Schmidt, a young salesman of Personal Locust Detection Device in front of the door of Room 233. Behind the fake Room 233 door on environmental wall, a Canopy bed locates in the relative center of the space.
At Rise: Two persons talk in the darkness and walk from the back of the stage to the part of stage close to audience. At rise, they just stop at Room 233.
Monsieur Dupont
Écoute, En tant qu’hôtel réputé, nous sommes confiants dans notre travail de nettoyage.
(Monsieur Dupont says in the darkness of the stage,both actors walk from the back of the stage to the front.)
I understand that Monsieur Dupont. But as I mentioned before, the judges of European Sheets Association also use our product.
(Schmidt says in front of the door of Room 233, he has a travel bag in his right hand, there is a puppy head on this bag) more >>
A blast strikes her tympanum and the roof collapses. Karla feels a punch into her stomach, forcing her to sit back to ground.
She suddenly finds she lies on her stomach and her hands are shaking. Wallpaper scraps float down like butterflies. more >>
新模型的应用即将为代码生成速度提供… 标记为已读? 确认.
诚招前端开发工程师… 标记为已读? 确认。
画板2.3发布,首席JS工程师讲述… 标记为已读? 确认.
Adobe Front Line, 拓展你的第七感… 标记为已读? 确认
清空了收件箱, 手机就被他的右手随意地甩在了面前的办公桌上, 转了一圈半, 停了下来.
桌上凌乱地散放着刚从茶水间取来刚撕开就被放弃的能量棒, 一本毛边的笔记本, 画满设计草图的餐巾纸或者碎纸片.
听说以前新闻里只有关于科技的消息, 这也是非常可悲的了. 他想到这一点不经笑了出来.
十分钟以后当他在公司楼下的诊所里治疗烫伤时, 不禁在想, 它这么强大, 为什么没有制作一款防烫伤茶杯呢?
叮, 新邮件.
边张着嘴接受者”牙膏枪”的注射, 他扫了一眼自己眼镜的右上角:
一来是如图一所示, 诚然确实有着逆天的项目, 如15的Minority Report, 但是大部分来说, 只能让人叹惋了吧. 而想起这些经费的来源, 就不由得变成了悲愤了.
二来是最近总是有一些竞赛相关的人物传记在朋友圈被转载, 感觉和周围大家都发现自己的年龄的增长而开始尝试抓取一些属于过去的这个年代的人特殊的记忆有关了吧. 而竞赛绝对是这一代学生很重要的记忆的一部分了. more >>
无不散之筵席 只有当事人才有真正的感受
明白为什么有人会要夜夜笙歌 然而一个人静下来就会痛哭流涕 本以为和自己很远 感觉确实看到一个潜在的自我
2018 春
2019 春
Percona-Toolkit is a useful DBA toolkit, one of the most useful tool is pt-table-checksum
When you try to install Open Source Mano on your Google Cloud Virtual Machine Instance following the Guide on OSM Wiki, you might met the problem of accessing UI, which is running in SO container and only has an local IP to access.
Since Open Source Mano THREE apply the new authentication mechanism, you could not access the login page for UI. The detailed reason is explained in the Wiki:
Please note that in OSM 3, authentication is performed using OpenIDConnect and OAuth2.0.
An identity provider has been added to the platform and provided as a service in the SO container running on port 8009.
This means both the browser and the UI server components (that run on the SO container) need to be able to access the SO container using identical URIs.
In short, the tuple of scheme://location:port needs to be reachable via both the browser accessing the system and the UI server running on the SO container (e.g. for a sample deployment).
This means that if your SO container is behind a NAT that cannot reach the public address of the host, authentication and authorization will not be possible and you will not be able to proceed using the UI.
To by pass this problem, the principle is make your local machine be able to access the network created by lxd
on your Google Cloud Host.
There are multiple ways to do that:
Then you are good to login the UI.
I think this is a bug of OSM-THREE and hope they will fix it soon and then this post will finish its job and retired.
npm i hexo-generator-json-content --save
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